Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yard sale treasures

Alright, we're almost done playing catch up...

Last Saturday, my mom, Shawn, and I hit up a neighborhood yard sale. It was in the Highlands area, which, to those who aren't familiar with Denver, is a fairly trendy neighborhood just west of downtown. It is full of cute brick bungalows and lots of mature trees. The people who live there tend to be mid twenties to mid thirties and have a wide array of careers. You can find doctors and lawyers living next to artists and musicians. Its a very neighbor friendly and dog friendly area. I would love to have a shop here someday....

So, in our search for good yard sales last weekend, I used my handy dandy yard sale app and discovered that a small area in the Highlands would be housing over 25 sales in a six block radius. Ummm....awesome!?

I was pretty stoked about our first sale because I picked up this marble mortar and pestle for $2.00. I've been wanting one for a while to make fresh hummus and pesto in. Woohoo!

I also found these awesome belts and the crazy woman only charged me fifty cents a piece!!! Seriously. She must have been nuts. And no, I don't plan on wearing them together...just figured I'd save you an extra picture. (Please forgive the dirty bathroom mirror)

At another sale, I got this cute purple bottle that has found a home on my dining room wall. I believe it was fifty cents.  (FYI, the yellow pitcher on the left was a thrift find for a dollar or two way back when).

Shawn found these wooden salad spoons that I can't bring myself to use in a salad. They're just too cute. ($1)

Shawn also picked up a cocktail shaker, a brand new camping shovel for a dollar, and a wire cleaning brush for free (yes, free!!!). Mom snagged quite a few boxes of assorted greeting cards for a quarter a piece as well as some gardening tools and silver beachy salad spoons with little starfish on them. All in all, it was a pretty amazing day for good finds. Hopefully this Saturday will be just as great.

Although I don't have any pictures, or any great scores, to share, I thought I'd let you know that we also went to a couple storage unit auctions on Tuesday.  I didn't purchase a unit but it was still a lot of fun. There were lots of carpenter tools, appliances, and furniture. Nothing was really priced right for my taste, but it was still a good way to spend our morning. I will be going back many times in the future and I plan to take lots of pictures to give you a better idea of how these auctions work and just how much money can be made at them.

Alright, I'm off to enjoy some couch potato time on my day off. See ya soon!

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