Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh snap...3 posts in a row

Soooo, its Saturday which means "yard sale day", except Colorado's skies decided to open up yesterday and vomit all over us. Rain, snow, hail, thunder, grossness. Its cold and soggy out and therefor, I could only find 2 out of the 20 or so garage sales I had on pinged on my little map. The first was decent, although slightly over priced. It was a cute bungalow across from a beautiful park. The home was also for sale (for just over $400k or I would have bought it too) and the yard sale turned into a living room sale due to the crappy weather.

Side advice from a Realtor. If you have a home that is super awesome inside, but you are struggling to get buyers to stop by...hold an indoor yard sale.  Get signs, balloons, etc. and advertise online and on the busy streets nearby. The key here is product placement. Don't hold the entire sale in the living room. Have items in the living room, kitchen, and garage. Explain to the shoppers that there are more items out back, and point them in the right direction. Have plenty of flyer's ready with your home's details and place them in all the major rooms. At a typical open house, you are lucky to have a handful of people stop by. An indoor yard sale, however, can easily bring in 50 or so people. It wouldn't hurt to have your Realtor on hand to answer any questions. Just another way to advertise your home and get rid of your old junk at the same time.

Ok, back to the important stuff here. So the house was super cute and so was the stuff they were selling. I picked up a bunch of vegan cookbooks, but at $2 a piece, I ended up putting them back. I realize I'm a total cheapy, but I'm a total cheapy with a library card and access to lots of free reads soooo... I did end up buying the DVD "Misery" because Shawn and I were just talking about it the other day. It was brand new and only $1. I also got a 3 piece set of clear glass mixing bowls. They are in great shape so I sucked it up and forked over a whopping $5 for them.

I also got this little gravy boat that matches all of my serving dishes. ($2)

The next 15 sales I tried to find apparently got cancelled due to the rain (even though their Craigslist ads were still up and many said "rain or shine"). I ended up driving too far south and the only yard sale I came across had the dirtiest inventory I've ever seen. It looked like everything had been sitting on the front lawn for weeks. It was kind of a shame because they had quite a few very large bookcases (like 6 feet across) but the wood was getting all warped from the rain. They would have worked well in the store, but there wasn't anyone outside to tell me prices. If you ever hold a yard sale....please stay outside with your sale. Simple idea but people forget this all the time and it drives me crazy. 

By this point, I was getting pretty cold and my stomach was growling, so I made a pit stop at Whole Foods for some pancakes before moving on to a few thrift shops. The first was the same DAV on Alameda I've mentioned before. I wasn't able to find any boots today, but I did snag a picture of some interesting shoes. This DAV has a lot of umm...well....really really high heeled, sometimes see through plastic, perhaps pair well with a pole of some I just took a picture of one of these gems to give you an idea.

These ones were actually the more modest of the group. I tried to get a picture of the ones with the lights in the see through heels but the man behind the counter started eyeing me in an uncomfortable way. Moving right along....

I picked up these little plates. I'm really not into the cheesy food decor, but these were really cute (and only a dollar).

I also snagged my most exciting find of the day. As soon as I saw it I knew I needed it for the store. Since it was half price day, it only set me back $10. I brought it upstairs (well, Shawn brought it upstairs) to clean it up, and it magically ended up in my little home office. It brightens up the room so well that it just might have to stay until I open up shop.

This picture makes the color seem a little minty, which its not. Its bright as hell and a little deeper green than this. And just awesome.

While I was browsing this store, I saw a few other things I thought I'd share. This three piece furniture set has been in the store for quite some time. Its priced at $699, so if you stop in on Saturday, its only $350 and its in amazing condition. It definitely doesn't fit in with the decor in my home, but if you have a cabin-like feel to your house, this would be perfect. I can't believe its been here for so long.

Another piece that's been in the store for far too long is this bed. Granted, its priced at $3999, but half price day makes it under $2000 and its absolutely gorgeous. Its totally out of my price range, but I'm sure its worth at least ten grand. It looks like it should be in a castle (maybe it was at one point). I drool over it ever time I'm there.

(BTW...its a king size if anyone is interested in snagging this one)

I also saw about 5 of these Qdoba t-shirts and they caught my attention.

Does anyone have the lowdown on these? Were there "Burritos for Obama" shirts as well, or have I been unknowingly donating all my hard earned nacho money to the Republican party?

Anyway...The only other shop I stopped by was the Family Thrift off Wadsworth (near 64th). I didn't find anything too great, although I was too tired to search through the clothing. I did find this pair of shoes, that seemed a little strange. Since when do shoes come in ages rather than sizes? And since when do all 10 year olds have the same size feet? (Not to even mention the fact that these shoes were clunky high heels...not really fit for a 10 year old)

Alright, that's it for today. I'm going to spend my afternoon reorganizing my office and filing everything away in my new awesome file cabinet. Have a good one!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me want to run around Denver area going to every thrift store that I can find, to shop! Fun reading your posts! Thanks!