Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And so it begins...

As a little girl, my weekends were often spent with my mom shuffling through clothing racks, shelves of books, and boxes of toys in search of hidden treasures. We shopped thrift stores, flea markets, antique shops, and yard sales in search of great deals. I learned at a young age that shopping resale could not only save money, but also be a ton of fun. When I'm having a rough day or feeling a little too stressed, I turn to thrift stores to ease my mind. I set out on a search for a little diamond in the rough and my troubles seem to melt away. I've recently realized that a lot of those troubles and rough days seem to be a result of my professional life. I've changed my career path a million times and never felt a passion for my job. I've always been jealous of people who couldn't wait to go to work in the morning; those that have a sincere love for what they do. All I want is to be excited about my job and feel priviledged that I get to do it. Well, I've decided to quit being jealous and simply become one of those people. And so here we are... I'm currently a 26 year old realtor, waiting tables for extra cash, shopping resale to ease my mind. This blog will record my journey through a pretty huge change in my life. I'm quitting real estate, going back to school, and making plans to open my own thrift store. I don't expect it to be easy and I don't expect it to happen overnight, but I do expect it to be an adventure. I'm giving myself two years to pay off my debt, save up some money, take necessary business classes, and open the doors to my very own shop. I will post all of my experiences along the way...yard sale finds, business loans, final exams, and retail leases. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, but you're more than welome to join me while I find out!

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